Want to Buy fake followers and likes?


Are social channels still reliable?

The reliability of social channels is declining, according to some. This would be due to the use of fake followers and fake likes. Likes and followers bought by influencers to grow their profiles. It is unfortunately a given that these fake followers and likes are in circulation. However, with the right means, the purchased engagement can be traced quickly.  Influencer marketing platform india here you can read about influencer marketing.

Check for fake followers and fake likes

Thanks to our campaign platform, the monitoring of each campaign is closely measured. We also monitor the influencers involved in the campaign. What about the increase in the followers of this influencer per day? If this goes up with a most likely impossible number, a bell will ring for us. Often the fraudulent influencers compensate with bought likes. As a result, you do not initially see that there is being bought.

Fakers rob themselves

We are only too happy to advise influencers that purchasing fake likes and followers is a bad idea. It affects the reliability of the account. And let the engagement drop significantly. Due to the direct contact that we have with the influencers we work with, we can limit the damage. It is good for the influencer to know that this action can lead to negative consequences in terms of collaborations. with our customers.

What do we do about it?

It is difficult to find out whether an influencer uses fake likes and fake followers without the right resources and knowledge. With the topic growing up, and Instagram doing a lot to remove these likes and followers, it is only a matter of time that this form of deception comes to an end.
But for now; pay attention to who you work with and especially ask our advice!

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