Top 10 most effective social media tips & tricks
You know it: as an entrepreneur you regularly see tips that you can use for your social media. Often these are so many tips that you can no longer see the forest through the trees and therefore may not enter the action mode. Using social media in the right way is not about quantity, but about quality. In this blog I share 10 effective social media tips & tricks that you need to know to use your social media well for optimal visibility of your company.
This is possible, for example, with persona marketing. That is marketing aimed at one or more specific persons in your audience. To do this, you create a fictional person on paper (or your computer) and, as it were, 'bring it to life'. You are very specific in the description of this person, your ideal customer.
In this way you get to know this fictional person so well that you know exactly what the person needs, wants, reads, wants to buy, wants to learn, what problems he / she has, what questions arise etc.
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In addition to the target group you are targeting, the topic on which you are posting is also important. Preferably choose a niche within your field about which you often share your expertise. It is not wise to talk about everything by betting broadly. Keep it small and go for that niche.
Still not clear about your niche? Or do you want to refine your existing niche? Then answer the following questions:
Ninja Tip: The more specific your niche, the sooner your target group will recognize itself in your posts and contributions. In addition, you distinguish yourself more from your competition.
It is a matter of investigating yourself when your target group is online. Put yourself in your fans and followers here again. What does their daily rhythm look like? Take as reference again the persona you have created (see tip 1). What time does your persona get up? Does your persona work in the office or at home? How does your persona go to work? Does your persona have children? At what times are they likely to be online?
Then check when your posts get the most views and interaction. Test that out for a period of time. Publish your content on different days and times (morning or evening). Compare the results of your research and then draw your conclusions.
Different social platforms are also frequently visited at different times. Of course, there has been some research into the best times to post. This shows that it is best to post a message on LinkedIn, for example, on Thursday. The best times are between 7 a.m. and 8 a.m. or between 5 p.m. and 6 p.m. Monday and Friday seem to be relatively less convenient.
Facebook has a peak around 9 a.m. and one around 10 p.m. In winter it is slightly earlier in the evening.
Use the different forms to make your content as attractive as possible for everyone. One prefers to watch videos, the other prefers to read and another person likes to listen to your story in a podcast, for example.
I'm just going to hook up on videos here. Because using videos is a golden move on social media. They also say: content is king and video is queen. Because image and sound ensure that you attract plenty of attention. Provide content that excites your target audience.
Or - even better - go for live videos: they provide much more interaction than regular videos. That doesn't have to be complicated. For example, answer a frequently asked question in a live video. You can make a series of some questions and answer a question every day in a live video. Simple, but effective.
By the way, pay attention to the use of links in your posts. The social media platforms prefer to keep the user active on the platform for as long as possible. With a link in the post, the user may be gone again. So don't put links in your posts too often.
Ninjatip: Preferably subtitle your videos. It is not always possible or desirable for the viewer to turn on the sound of the video. So make sure that your video can also be easily followed on mute.
The title of your post or blog is very important. The reader decides at a glance whether or not to continue reading. Therefore, use power words in the title. They attract attention, making the reader 'linger' and become curious. That is exactly what we want.
Power words often seem a bit exaggerated to yourself, but they do work. So put them in. Take this title for example: '7 free blogging tools that you absolutely must try'. You guessed the power words in this title. "Free" and "Absolute" and indeed, "Must."
The words in the example work as follows
Make sure that every title you publish immediately contains at least one powerful word or phrase. Finally, it is smart to include a good keyword in the title, which is searched by your target group.
Ninjatip: It's smart if you write your blog article in paragraphs with a heading above each paragraph. It will contain the power words of the next paragraph. That works well, because readers always scan your article unconsciously. These headlines stand out well and the text is easy to read.
You can already create that scarcity with words in your text or on your image that reflect exclusivity for a certain group of people. For example, consider the following:
By only giving access to something to a certain group, this group feels privileged. The same also applies to discounts, events or products that are made available exclusively for a specific target group. The great thing is that people from this group subconsciously associate this exclusivity with a positive feeling about you and your business.
You can also use scarcity to promote your product / service. Imagine you are giving a training soon. By indicating that there are only 7 places available (out of 25), you create scarcity. People are going to register sooner than they would if they weren't listed.
You can also use special words in your promotion or offer. These are words that evoke a feeling of scarcity: think of 'limited edition', 'one-off offer' or 'only valid for 1 day'. After all, discounts always do well, as long as they are valid for a certain period of time. Pay attention to this and state this clearly. Make the most of this handy and simple marketing trick on social media.
1. Apply focus
If you shoot at random, you don't hit anything. This also applies online. Social media is bursting at the seams of the posts and contributions. The busier it gets, the harder it is to be found and seen. To ensure that you can reach your ideal customers, you need to know everything about them.This is possible, for example, with persona marketing. That is marketing aimed at one or more specific persons in your audience. To do this, you create a fictional person on paper (or your computer) and, as it were, 'bring it to life'. You are very specific in the description of this person, your ideal customer.
In this way you get to know this fictional person so well that you know exactly what the person needs, wants, reads, wants to buy, wants to learn, what problems he / she has, what questions arise etc.
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In addition to the target group you are targeting, the topic on which you are posting is also important. Preferably choose a niche within your field about which you often share your expertise. It is not wise to talk about everything by betting broadly. Keep it small and go for that niche.
Still not clear about your niche? Or do you want to refine your existing niche? Then answer the following questions:
- What topics am I passionate about?
- In which (professional) areas do I see myself as an expert?
- Which questions (within my field) are often asked to me?
Ninja Tip: The more specific your niche, the sooner your target group will recognize itself in your posts and contributions. In addition, you distinguish yourself more from your competition.
2. It's all about timing
When is the best time to post or contribute? Actually, the answer to this question is different for everyone. In any case, it is important that you do not just put the posts online, but that you do so focused on certain moments that have been thought about.It is a matter of investigating yourself when your target group is online. Put yourself in your fans and followers here again. What does their daily rhythm look like? Take as reference again the persona you have created (see tip 1). What time does your persona get up? Does your persona work in the office or at home? How does your persona go to work? Does your persona have children? At what times are they likely to be online?
Then check when your posts get the most views and interaction. Test that out for a period of time. Publish your content on different days and times (morning or evening). Compare the results of your research and then draw your conclusions.
Different social platforms are also frequently visited at different times. Of course, there has been some research into the best times to post. This shows that it is best to post a message on LinkedIn, for example, on Thursday. The best times are between 7 a.m. and 8 a.m. or between 5 p.m. and 6 p.m. Monday and Friday seem to be relatively less convenient.
Facebook has a peak around 9 a.m. and one around 10 p.m. In winter it is slightly earlier in the evening.
3. Alternate the shape of your content
Use the different forms to make your content as attractive as possible for everyone. One prefers to watch videos, the other prefers to read and another person likes to listen to your story in a podcast, for example.
I'm just going to hook up on videos here. Because using videos is a golden move on social media. They also say: content is king and video is queen. Because image and sound ensure that you attract plenty of attention. Provide content that excites your target audience.
Or - even better - go for live videos: they provide much more interaction than regular videos. That doesn't have to be complicated. For example, answer a frequently asked question in a live video. You can make a series of some questions and answer a question every day in a live video. Simple, but effective.
By the way, pay attention to the use of links in your posts. The social media platforms prefer to keep the user active on the platform for as long as possible. With a link in the post, the user may be gone again. So don't put links in your posts too often.
Ninjatip: Preferably subtitle your videos. It is not always possible or desirable for the viewer to turn on the sound of the video. So make sure that your video can also be easily followed on mute.
4. The title is gold
The title of your post or blog is very important. The reader decides at a glance whether or not to continue reading. Therefore, use power words in the title. They attract attention, making the reader 'linger' and become curious. That is exactly what we want.Power words often seem a bit exaggerated to yourself, but they do work. So put them in. Take this title for example: '7 free blogging tools that you absolutely must try'. You guessed the power words in this title. "Free" and "Absolute" and indeed, "Must."
The words in the example work as follows
- personally: (which you absolutely…).
- decides: ('must have tried'). You are convinced.
- emotional: absolutely.
- powerful: Free.
Make sure that every title you publish immediately contains at least one powerful word or phrase. Finally, it is smart to include a good keyword in the title, which is searched by your target group.
Ninjatip: It's smart if you write your blog article in paragraphs with a heading above each paragraph. It will contain the power words of the next paragraph. That works well, because readers always scan your article unconsciously. These headlines stand out well and the text is easy to read.
5. Deploy exclusivity in a targeted manner
Exclusivity (or scarcity) is a very powerful marketing ploy. This principle works like a train. Just place a counter with your offer that counts down. Scarcity stirs up the well-known fear of missing out (or: FOMO). That's the fact that you can regret something you didn't do (fast enough). Shops use it day in, day out. Because people will stock up as soon as (in their opinion) there is a shortage. Just think of the recent events surrounding toilet paper related to Corona 😉You can already create that scarcity with words in your text or on your image that reflect exclusivity for a certain group of people. For example, consider the following:
- Only a limited number of places available.
- Exclusive access.
- Pre-order.
- Members only.
By only giving access to something to a certain group, this group feels privileged. The same also applies to discounts, events or products that are made available exclusively for a specific target group. The great thing is that people from this group subconsciously associate this exclusivity with a positive feeling about you and your business.
You can also use scarcity to promote your product / service. Imagine you are giving a training soon. By indicating that there are only 7 places available (out of 25), you create scarcity. People are going to register sooner than they would if they weren't listed.
You can also use special words in your promotion or offer. These are words that evoke a feeling of scarcity: think of 'limited edition', 'one-off offer' or 'only valid for 1 day'. After all, discounts always do well, as long as they are valid for a certain period of time. Pay attention to this and state this clearly. Make the most of this handy and simple marketing trick on social media.
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