
Showing posts from June, 2020

Tips to quickly become (and remain) instafamous.

Growing up on Instagram, that’s what we all want, right? Managing a large Instagram account has many advantages for your business. Instagram still has many active users. This makes it relatively easy to increase your brand awareness and increase engagement with your brand. In addition, having a large Instagram account also has SEO benefits! Instagram can be beneficial to your business in many more ways, creating an account is therefore a nobrainer. Once you’ve done this, you’ll then wonder how to grow your account. Because those few friends who follow you now don’t put a so much on the dike either. To ensure that this process runs as smoothly as possible, it is essential to develop a strategy and experiment with what works for you. If you don’t have an Instagram account yet check out our Instagram Starter Guide here we explain how to set up an account for your business and give some beginner tips. In our Plus guide we give even more tips, so read them! To get you started with yo...

Top 10 most effective social media tips & tricks

You know it: as an entrepreneur you regularly see tips that you can use for your social media. Often these are so many tips that you can no longer see the forest through the trees and therefore may not enter the action mode. Using social media in the right way is not about quantity, but about quality. In this blog I share 10 effective social media tips & tricks that you need to know to use your social media well for optimal visibility of your company. 1. Apply focus If you shoot at random, you don't hit anything. This also applies online. Social media is bursting at the seams of the posts and contributions. The busier it gets, the harder it is to be found and seen. To ensure that you can reach your ideal customers, you need to know everything about them. This is possible, for example, with persona marketing. That is marketing aimed at one or more specific persons in your audience. To do this, you create a fictional person on paper (or your computer) and, as it were, ...